Wetland Masterclasses

The Catchment Solutions Project in collaboration with NIWA are presenting initially free-of-charge masterclasses on Surface flow constructed wetlands – a proven nature-based solution to reduce on-farm nutrient and sediment losses.


Please register your expression of interest by clicking the button below to reserve a spot.


who should attend?

Interested Farmers, Rural Contractors, Catchment Coordinators, Kaitiaki, Farm Environmental Advisors, Primary Industry Consultants, MPI On-farm Support Team, and Regional Council Rural Advisors.

We welcome participants who are interested in on-farm mitigations to improve catchment water quality. You may be developing your own wetlands or advising your farm clients on farm environment plans, coordinating a catchment group, or supporting rural catchment communities in their journey towards productive and sustainable agriculture productions systems.   

The course will be presented by Drs Chris Tanner and Brandon Goeller from NIWA, who are recognised experts on the design and implementation of constructed wetlands. Using the Constructed Wetland Practitioners’ Guide as a starting point, participants will gain a sound understanding of what makes an effective constructed wetland, how big they need to be to achieve desired pollutant reductions, and what co-benefits they can provide. Participants will be guided through the process of identifying suitable sites, designing, and implementing effective wetlands, including planting and maintenance requirements. Case studies from around the country will be used to illustrate a range of design options to work with existing landscape features to minimise costs and optimise treatment performance.

Click here for a Virtual tour of some on-farm wetlands and an overview of the constructed wetland practitioner guidelines.  https://niwa.co.nz/freshwater/constructed-wetland-guidelines

Constructed wetland

where & when

This masterclass training will be delivered in-person over 2 days and includes intensive presentations interspersed with practical exercises and discussion sessions.

Dates: 7 – 8 November 2024

Venue: Massey University, Palmerston North.

Fee: The initial two courses will be free of charge. The second course is planned to be held in Hamilton in the first half of 2025.


Dr Chris Tanner

Dr Chris Tanner is a Principal Scientist at NIWA based in Hamilton. He brings over 35 years’ expertise in the ecology and functioning of natural and constructed wetlands and other nature-based ecotechnologies. Chris has pioneered wetland research for wastewater and diffuse pollution management in New Zealand, focusing on understanding key contaminant removal processes, optimising design and assessing treatment performance. He has translated his research into national guidance documents on wetland design and efficacy for both wastewaters and diffuse run-off.


Dr Brandon Goeller

Dr Brandon Goeller is an applied freshwater and wetland ecologist at NIWA, based in Nelson. Brandon has researched a range of mitigations for water quality and biodiversity enhancement in agricultural watercourses. Brandon and Chris have worked on the siting, design, implementation, and performance assessment of constructed wetlands at multiple sites around the country using a range of GIS, modelling, and high frequency monitoring approaches.



The training course is initially being offered free of charge. We have a limited number of spaces available, so get in quick to register if you have an interest in implementing constructed wetlands to manage farm run-off and drainage.

Please register at info@cathmentsolutions.co.nz with your name, contact details – email and phone number, and a brief (max 100 words) outline of your interest and the expected outcomes from you attending the course. Registration cut-off date is Tuesday 15 October 2024.

Where numbers exceed capacity, we reserve the right to select applicants based on merit and diversity. Please do not lock in travel plans until we confirm your acceptance.


Project funding acknowledgement

The Catchment Solutions Project (CSP) aims to enhance rural capability to achieve essential freshwater outcomes and would like to acknowledge the very generous funding from the Ministry for Environment (Essential Freshwater Fund), in collaboration with co-funding from Hawkes Bay Regional Council (HBRC) and in-kind contributions from DairyNZ and Hawkes Bay Regional Council..

CSP is a 3-year collaborative project focused on co-learning, exchange, and outreach for targeted and effective water quality mitigation measures, focused on design and construction of innovative edge-of-field mitigation structures.

CSP is led by Massey University Farmed Landscapes Research Centre (FLRC) and acknowledges its collaboration and support received from NIWA in developing and delivery of this masterclass training focused on surface flow constructed wetlands as a proven nature-based water quality solution from farm- to catchment-scale.

If you require more information please click the button below